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Drider Statistics Tables
Lowmort-Tier Drider Statistics by Class
bzk, bod, pal,
asn, mag, mnd,
psi, sor, wzd
cle, dru, prs
arc, bci, fus,
mon, rog, shf
Str 17-22 (25) 14-19 (22) 14-19 (22) 14-19 (22) 14-19 (22)
Int 14-19 (22) 17-22 (25) 14-19 (22) 14-19 (22) 14-19 (22)
Wis 14-19 (22) 14-19 (22) 17-22 (25) 14-19 (22) 14-19 (22)
Dex 17-22 (25) 17-22 (25) 17-22 (25) 20-25 (28) 17-22 (25)
Con 14-19 (22) 14-19 (22) 14-19 (22) 14-19 (22) 17-22 (25)
Hero-Tier Drider Statistics by Class
bzk, bod, pal,
asn, mag, mnd,
psi, sor, wzd
cle, dru, prs
arc, bci, fus,
mon, rog, shf
Str 22-27 (30) 19-21 (24) 19-21 (24) 19-21 (24) 19-21 (24)
Int 19-21 (24) 22-27 (30) 19-21 (24) 19-21 (24) 19-21 (24)
Wis 19-21 (24) 19-21 (24) 22-27 (30) 19-21 (24) 19-21 (24)
Dex 22-24 (27) 22-24 (27) 22-24 (27) 25-30 (33) 22-24 (27)
Con 19-21 (24) 19-21 (24) 19-21 (24) 19-21 (24) 22-27 (30)
Lord-Tier DriderStatistics by Class
bzk, bod, pal,
asn, mag, mnd,
psi, sor, wzd
cle, dru, prs
arc, bci, fus,
mon, rog, shf
Str 27-32 (35) 21-23 (26) 21-23 (26) 21-23 (26) 21-23 (26)
Int 21-23 (26) 27-32 (35) 21-23 (26) 21-23 (26) 21-23 (26)
Wis 21-23 (26) 21-23 (26) 27-32 (35) 21-23 (26) 21-23 (26)
Dex 24-26 (29) 24-26 (29) 24-26 (29) 30-35 (38) 24-26 (29)
Con 21-23 (26) 21-23 (26) 21-23 (26) 21-23 (26) 27-32 (35)
NOTES: numbers in each cell above are initial trained value – maximum trainable value (maximum allowable value for non-devotees); class prime requisites are green.

  • Abbreviation: DRI.


Driders are a new remort race (Aug 1, 2023) that are still being learned about. For now, they can only be unlocked via blood seeds found in The Bond (see board 7, note 132). Later they will become a normal remort race, likely from Drow

They are a stealthy race with high dex that are able to stab well.

They are not nofail at 95%. The receive a spell cost reduction of 5% for divine spells.

Driders appear to get slightly more hitpoints and mana then human (105% of human estimated).