Sapphire Studded Sleeves

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Revision as of 04:02, 21 April 2013 by Shadowtop (talk | contribs) (Updated)
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The sapphire-coated sleeves burst forth in a blaze of light. Not a single speck lies undisturbed by jewels.

Armor class is 10-12.
Modifies strength by 1 continuous.
Modifies armor class by -8 continuous
Modifies mana by 15 continuous
It improves archery damage.
It facilitates the archery skill scattershot.

Keyword(s): sapphire, sleeves.
Level(s): 51.
Type: armor.
Slot(s): <worn on arms>.
Quality: 200 hps.
Weight: 5 lbs.
Flag(s): glow, magic, anti-evil, anti-neutral, nodrop, noremove.


To obtain this item, you need to know either Pick Lock, or have the Piece Of Grape Candy. The boots are in the yellow bear.


Area: The Abyss (Map).
Room(s): A toyshop with yellow and green patterns on it (portable)

Walking route from Giant Pillbug: e, d, e.