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Firedrake Statistics Tables
Level-01 Firedrake Statistics by Class
bzk, bod, pal,
asn, mag, mnd,
psi, sor, wzd
cle, dru, prs
arc, bci, fus,
mon, rog, shf
Str 13–20 (23) 12–17 (20) 12–17 (20) 12–17 (20) 12–17 (20)
Int 12–17 (20) 13–20 (23) 12–17 (20) 12–17 (20) 12–17 (20)
Wis 12–17 (20) 12–17 (20) 13–20 (23) 12–17 (20) 12–17 (20)
Dex 13–18 (21) 13–18 (21) 13–18 (21) 14–21 (24) 13–18 (21)
Con 12–17 (20) 12–17 (20) 12–17 (20) 12–17 (20) 13–20 (23)
Level-25 Firedrake Statistics by Class
bzk, bod, pal,
asn, mag, mnd,
psi, sor, wzd
cle, dru, prs
arc, bci, fus,
mon, rog, shf
Str 14–21 (24) 13–18 (21) 13–18 (21) 13–18 (21) 13–18 (21)
Int 13–18 (21) 14–21 (24) 13–18 (21) 13–18 (21) 13–18 (21)
Wis 12–17 (20) 12–17 (20) 13–20 (23) 12–17 (20) 12–17 (20)
Dex 13–18 (21) 13–18 (21) 13–18 (21) 14–21 (24) 13–18 (21)
Con 13–18 (21) 13–18 (21) 13–18 (21) 13–18 (21) 14–21 (24)
Level-51(001) Firedrake Statistics by Class
bzk, bod, pal,
asn, mag, mnd,
psi, sor, wzd
cle, dru, prs
arc, bci, fus,
mon, rog, shf
Str 15–24 (27) 14–21 (24) 14–21 (24) 14–21 (24) 14–21 (24)
Int 14–21 (24) 15–24 (27) 14–21 (24) 14–21 (24) 14–21 (24)
Wis 12–19 (22) 12–19 (22) 13–22 (25) 12–19 (22) 12–19 (22)
Dex 18–23 (26) 18–23 (26) 18–23 (26) 19–26 (29) 18–23 (26)
Con 13–20 (23) 13–20 (23) 13–20 (23) 13–20 (23) 14–23 (26)
Level-51(250) Firedrake Statistics by Class
bzk, bod, pal,
asn, mag, mnd,
psi, sor, wzd
cle, dru, prs
arc, bci, fus,
mon, rog, shf
Str 16–25 (28) 15–22 (25) 15–22 (25) 15–22 (25) 15–22 (25)
Int 14–21 (24) 15–24 (27) 14–21 (24) 14–21 (24) 14–21 (24)
Wis 13–20 (23) 13–20 (23) 14–23 (26) 13–20 (23) 13–20 (23)
Dex 18–23 (26) 18–23 (26) 18–23 (26) 19–26 (29) 18–23 (26)
Con 14–21 (24) 14–21 (24) 14–21 (24) 14–21 (24) 15–24 (27)
Level-51(500) Firedrake Statistics by Class
bzk, bod, pal,
asn, mag, mnd,
psi, sor, wzd
cle, dru, prs
arc, bci, fus,
mon, rog, shf
Str ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??) 15–22 (25) ??–?? (??)
Int ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??) 15–22 (25) ??–?? (??)
Wis ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??) 13–20 (23) ??–?? (??)
Dex ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??) 18–25 (28) ??–?? (??)
Con ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??) 15–22 (25) ??–?? (??)
Level-125(1) Firedrake Statistics by Class
bzk, bod, pal,
asn, mag, mnd,
psi, sor, wzd
cle, dru, prs
arc, bci, fus,
mon, rog, shf
Str ??–34 (37) ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??)
Int ??–25 (28) ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??)
Wis ??–22 (25) ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??)
Dex ??–21 (24) ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??)
Con ??–24 (27) ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??)
NOTES: numbers in each cell above are initial trained value – maximum trainable value (maximum allowable value for non-devotees); class prime requisites are green.

Few remember the true origins of this elemental reptilian race prior to the war of the Great Fae. Ancient lore tells of a massive army of Firedrakes under the command of Ashoreus, the Winnowing Flame of Purity and one of the thirteen Great Fae. When Lishtraka and her army of Pain Elementals defeated Ashoreus, he sacrificed himself to conceal the remaining Firedrake eggs on Midgaard. These eggs remained in stasis for the better part of Midgaardia's history but recently they have begun to hatch and the race has been reborn.

Though elemental in form, many of these young Firedrakes whisper of the path they must undertake to reclaim their birthright and unlock the secret of their past. They possess many reptilian characteristics, which become more pronounced as they mature.

This is an evolutionary race. They can go through changes at the following levels once they decide to evolve and have acquired the necessary knowledge:

Level 25->Hero(1)->Hero(250)->Hero(500)->Hero(750)->Lord(1)->Lord(250)->Lord(500)

Continued growth without evolving into a new form will become more difficuly until obtaining further experience becomes completely impossible.

  • Abbreviation: Fdk.
  • Racial TNL: 8333 XP → 6250 XP → 5000 XP → 4166 XP → 3703 XP → (3448) XP → (3225) XP → (3030) XP → (2857) XP.
  • Well-Suited to Be: bci, war, bod, psi
  • Ill-Suited to Be: mag, wzd, stm, cle, dru, rog, bld, arc, fus


Firedrakes at high evolution get the largest damage mod in the game. They also get huge hp and good mana. However, their dexterity is low (one less than hum at med and hi evolves) and their stealth is very bad. Their casting at lowmort is atrocious and only improves late into the hero tier.

Firedrakes have to automorph, they can't morph early.

It appears that firedrakes gain another dragon racial each evolution. Evolving removes worship.

Racials at creation: Fly, Infravision
Racials at 25: Breath
Racials at Hero 1: Claw
Racials at Hero 250 : none
Racials at Hero 500 : Armorscale,Tail
Racials at Hero 750 : none

Evolutions all revolve around quests. With firedrakes these start with Ashoreus.

  • Level 25: Find Ashoreus (Kingdom of the Willows). As soon as you walk in the room he will talk. Nothing else needs to be done.
  • Hero 1: Find Ashoreus. He will tell you to get an egg from Citadel Of Arcanists. Find and kill Ithonng. Take the egg back to Ashoreus. (The firedrake must get the first hit in on Ithonng for the egg to show up.)
  • Hero 250: Find Ashoreus. He will talk to you about a friend's soul shard. Help the Hospice Director with attacks from rogue assassins to get a contract to get the shard and return the shard to Ashoreus.
  • Hero 500:
  • Hero 750: Find Ashoreus. He will tell you to seek Greigon for a challenge to retrieve an elemental orb.
  • Lord 1: Bring Ashoreus the small crystal shard from Soulchar Desolation.

Deep within by Citadel located in the Soulchar Desolation, there lies an artifact from my reign. A small crystal shard containing the stolen essence of one of Lichtraka's ceations. You must find this shard and bring it to me. Once I have it, then I shall have enough power to break loose the beginnings of your own true form. Be very cautious though. My guardians will not know you for my servants they are just mindless golems.

i'm not sure exactly what sizes are for each evolution but i'll put this here as a starting point for anyone who knows to edit.

size at level:
1: vs
25: s
1: m
250: m
500: l
750: l
1: vl
250: vl
500: vl