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For many Centuries, Lizard Folk have told fireside tales of a great Fellowship of the most Ancient of Dragons, whose deeds shaped the very fabric of History, since the days of Tiamat and Bahamut. They told of Gil-Rillion, Queen of the Ocean and Mistress of all Creatures of the impenetrable Deep and of Nehemiah the Fair, whose brazen scales glittered like fire. They whispered the name of Seraf Winterqueen, who dwelt so far in the north that none could reach her dominion alive, and Rauhn, rumored to be the hidden power behind the Silver Brigade which many young Lizard Kin still dream of joining. They spoke of Azlaroc Serpentking, lord of all that Slithers, and Verdigris, and the magnificent Copper Golems crafted in her image. They heard of Kahbyss, dark and terrible, master of the Black Circle Assassins, and Kastinius the Bronze, the Loremaster. They listened to tales of Nigurathus the Fire Red, likened to molten lava, and of Ramahdon, wisest and most Ancient of All. Lately, rumors say that several of these Dragons have been seen gathering atop Devil's Peak, along with their various underlings.

Level Range: 51-51

Builder: Dev


Walking route from Aelmon: 19n, 3e, 5n, u, e, u, w, n, u, n, u, 6n, w, u, n, u, e, u, n, w, s, u, n, u, s, 2u.

Walking route from Tysiln San: 2s, u, n, u, s, 2u.

Walking route from Svlad: 3s

Walking route from Bergozr: w, s

Portaling point(s) suggested: none.


This area connects from North of Ofcol, leading up from the top of Devil's Peak, as well as Cloud Dracoleum.


Climb up to the top of the peak, and arrive on the western edge (in the north-west corner) of what is essentially a large circle. The north, south, east and west edges of the circle are all three rooms in length. At its widest the circle is eleven rooms across, both along the east-west and north-south axis. The very centre of the circle is a 3x3 collection of shafts of light, which seems to be the focus of the draconic activity here. The centre, however, can only be accessed though the Great Summoning Quest.

In various locations, you can climb up onto a spire and find any of the eight dragons in this area. Four of the spires can be found two room away from the central circle, in the cardinal directions. The other four can be found between them, moving as does a knight on a chessboard.


The dragons are all pretty tough, and some of them are rather tougher than others. They do not have any gear you can pick up, and the xp gained is probably not worth the effort. They are also highly aggressive, unless you are doing their quests, in which case they are likely to allow the player to approach. They will aggie lords instantly but will not be aggressive to lowmorts. Their rooms and rooms directly below them are free of other mobs (giving you peace and quiet to pay attention to their quests).

The rest of the mobs all wander around on top of the mountain. There is a mix of good and evil aligned mobs, so alignment will not change. XP seems to be quite reasonable for a regular run. Also, like alot of Dev's area, most of the mobs are wearing a significant amount of equipment. Sadly most of it not really worth gathering, except if you want to sell it on for gold afterwards. This means that they can hit a little harder sometimes, and take a little less damage sometimes too. The behirs tend to poison you, the lizardmen tend to tail you, and the golems take a little less damage.

Jade Dragon ambush quest

Sometimes when you're killing mobs in this area, you may spawn a fairly large mob, the "Jade Dragon", who hits pretty hard.

It's not exactly clear what needs to be done to summon this mob.

There's an invisible mob who can be faerie fogged but who cannot be attacked who spawns this mprog:

 c 'faerie fog'
 Ghost of a dragon is revealed!
 (in room) A ghost of a dragon can't be seen my mortals.
 (look dragon) 
 This mob is used by the dragon ambush quest. Please beware of modifying this mob.

The following combination and ordering of kills in short succession summoned the dragon:

 A silver Knight
 A guardian behir
 A silver Knight
 A copper golem 
 The copper war-maker 
 The Silver Commander 
 A copper golem
 A silver Champion
 A copper monstrosity
 The copper golem
 A troglodyte brute
 A slithering behir
 The mother xorn 
 A slithering behir
 A large behir
 A giant behir
 A copper monstrosity 
 A copper golem
 One of Nehemiah's guards
 A silver Champion
 A copper golem
 A guardian behir
 A copper golem
 A copper monstrosity
 A large behir
 A troglodyte thug
 A xorn 
 A troglodyte warrior 
 A giant behir
 A trog commandant
 The War Machine
 The copper war-maker
 The mother xorn 
 A troglodyte brute
 An Elite Brigadier
 A guardian behir
 One of Nehemiah's guards
 A copper monstrosity
 An Elite Brigadier 
 A slithering behir

The dragon appeared after the group entered in the top-left room of the area "The mountaintop" like this:

 The Jade Dragon appears in a swirling mist.
 With a deafening blast a green globe appears in the sky!
 An enormous jade dragon burst free from the glowing orb 

The dragon shows:

 It is the fabled Jade Dragon! This magnificent dragon is the stuff of
 legend. Its very existence is discussed in hushed tones in taverns
 throughout Midgaard.

A moderately sized group got the dragon to 68% hp then fled; the group's complement was 736 bud war/108 fig bzk/309 wvi rog/87 elf arc/256 dwf fus/3 liz sor. In the 7 rounds the jade dragon was active, it attacked for 7 rounds. Its low damage to the BuD tank was ***DISMEM, high was ***MANGLING in a round.

After killing the Jade Dragon, a scale is dropped that can be turned in to Jake The Thorn-Slayer for a random hero perfect gem.


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