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Known as 'Pick', short for 'First Pick', an honorary title given to the premiere miner in Mt Durr. Fast of arm, with hawk-like eyes able to spot a flicker of durrite at 50 paces and never short of a kind word for his colleagues, Pick remains a most popular dwarf.

Keywords: Pick, powerful, dwarf, miner.
Level: 23.
Alignment: heroic.
Flags: steadfast.
Affects: none.


Pick is using:
Pick is carrying:
     a mine pass level three


Characters will need to buy a mine pass level one from the receptionist to unlock the door to the mines where Pick is; they will also need to get a mine pass level two from a humble pilgrim to unlock the door to level two.


Area: Mt. Durr (Map).
Room(s): The west face (cursed).

Walking route from Sol: 3e, 2n, 3e, 5n, 3w, n, 2u, 2w, u, 2n, 2w, 2s, {s}, [d], {d}, n, 2w.
Walking route from Aelmon: 14n, 8w, 3n, 9w, n, 2u, 2w, u, 2n, 2w, 2s, {s}, [d], {d}, n, 2w.

Walking route from Bomli: 2w, s, 2w, 2s, {s}, [d], {d}, n, 2w.