Old Brort

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Old Brort was one of the first miners to work on this level. When the Durrite was all gone, his compatriots moved to the deeper mines. Old Brort stayed, spending his days telling stories and drinking tea with whomever would visit with him.

Keywords: dwarf, Brort, old.
Level: 21.
Alignment: apathetic.
Flags: steadfast.
Affects: infravision.


Old Brort is using:
Old Brort is carrying:
     (Glowing) a kettle of green tea


Characters will need to buy a mine pass level one from the receptionist to unlock the door to the mines where Old Brort is.


Area: Mt. Durr (Map).
Room(s): An abandoned excavation (cursed).

Walking route from Sol: 3e, 2n, 3e, 5n, 3w, n, 2u, 2w, u, 2n, 2w, 2s, {s}, [d], 2n.
Walking route from Aelmon: 14n, 8w, 3n, 9w, n, 2u, 2w, u, 2n, 2w, 2s, {s}, [d], 2n.

Walking route from Bomli: 2w, s, 2w, 2s, {s}, [d], 2n.
Walking route from receptionist: [n], 4w, 2s, {s}, [d], 2n.