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Tuataur Statistics Tables
Lowmort-Tier Tuataur Statistics by Class
bzk, bod, pal,
asn, mag, mnd,
psi, sor, wzd
cle, dru, prs
arc, bci, fus,
mon, rog, shf
Str 15–22 (25) 14–19 (22) 14–19 (22) 14–19 (22) 14–19 (22)
Int 14–19 (22) 15–22 (25) 14–19 (22) 14–19 (22) 14–19 (22)
Wis 15–20 (23) 15–20 (23) 16–23 (26) 15–20 (23) 15–20 (23)
Dex 12–17 (20) 12–17 (20) 12–17 (20) 13–20 (23) 12–17 (20)
Con 16–21 (24) 16–21 (24) 16–21 (24) 16–21 (24) 17–24 (27)
Hero-Tier Tuataur Statistics by Class
bzk, bod, pal,
asn, mag, mnd,
psi, sor, wzd
cle, dru, prs
arc, bci, fus,
mon, rog, shf
Str 22–27 (30) 19–21 (24) 19–21 (24) 19–21 (24) 19–21 (24)
Int 19–21 (24) 22–27 (30) 19–21 (24) 19–21 (24) 19–21 (24)
Wis 20–22 (25) 20–22 (25) 23–28 (31) 20–22 (25) 20–22 (25)
Dex 17–19 (22) 17–19 (22) 17–19 (22) 20–25 (28) 17–19 (22)
Con 21–23 (26) 21–23 (26) 21–23 (26) 21–23 (26) 24–29 (32)
NOTES: numbers in each cell above are initial trained value – maximum trainable value (maximum allowable value for non-devotees); class prime requisites are green.

A rare offshoot of lizard-folk, the mysterious Tuataurs are gifted with a third eye that grants them powerful mental abilities. They are smarter and better with magic than their common cousins, and their enhanced eyesight makes them superior archers as well. Tuataurs are only available to Lizard Men and Troglodytes via the remort command. Those who wish to become Tuataurs must first prove themselves in a traditional lizard-folk combat challenge.

  • Abbreviation: Tua.


Tuataurs are virtually identical to centaurs, with a couple important differences. They are slightly worse at divine casting while slightly better at psionic; they are normal size instead of large; they have a positive stealth modifier; and almost half the TNL.

As spellcasters, they are no-fail at 95, and receive a 20% reduction to psionic spell costs, thus making very effective psionicists and mindbenders. They are also capable of prc'ing wizard, and are a popular choice.

They also have a bonus to archery (albeit less than hie or cen), so druids (due to good mana gains) or assassin (due to high stealth) are good choices.

Tuataur Quest

To remort to a tuataur a prospective lizardmen or troglodyte needs to undertake a quest - at Elven Foothills the player will find an invisible Lizard Man Challenge Token, 2nuw2sedw from Nyad. Bring this token to Bask, at Rietta's Wonders to battle Bask. Apparently, winning this fight is not a requirement for remorting into a tuataur.