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Revision as of 06:53, 25 January 2012 by WinterRose (talk | contribs) (restructuring a bit)
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A listing of my alts. Many alts, many roles.

Gear Listing

Current gear listing, largely irrelevant to you (and just a reminder for me). It's nothing to write home about, as I only invested a week or two of foddering and enchanting in my entire career.


I'm a mapper and explorer, first and foremost: List of maps.

At January 2012 eternal HOGathon, I did a small experiment on racial gains. You can see the results and the conclusion here: Racial Gains.



Eragora is an easygoing and thoughtful place that appears to fill the role of solitary exploration/survivalist place for those people that are bored to tears with the standard Sanctum/XP-runs and would love to see something new and different. It never gained much traction since most of the players are perfectly happy running identical runs for years, but for those that found beauty in Eragora it provides a great deal of joy and entertainment.

If you're not familiar with it, read the Eragora Survivalist Guide, an early text that was created by the spirit of moment - amidst the sudden influx of solo exploration experiences. Nowadays, with Eragora being explored, it's far less dangerous or deadly. So, once done, go to the Eragora main page and start reading. For even more info - just ask.


Some time ago, I have started my own guild, the Surveyors and Mappers Guild, or the SMG for short.

The guild motto is simple - Explore and Experience the World, as opposed to "grind the same areas for xp over and over again for years and be incapable of running at all in the wee hours after reboot due to a lack of spellbots."

No, we're not some hardheaded elitists concerned only with Eragora or who-knows what. We are a small buddyset of less than 10 dwindling players, mostly mappers, builders, explorers and wiki contributors. We don't run together often and barely see each other, but still manage to exchange new quest info, interesting notes and such.

If you want to join, then just say so, but if your primary concern in the game is XP then some other buddysets might suit you better.


I'm a 30+ year old network engineer and sysadmin, married, have wife and two kids, and consider playing Avatar a superior experience to any other game online. Text-based descriptions have no equivalent competitor in graphical games since there is no graphics that will ever beat my imagination.

Contact me at