High Elves

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High Elf Statistics Tables
Lowmort-Tier High Elf Statistics by Class
bzk, bod, pal,
asn, mag, mnd,
psi, sor, wzd
cle, dru, prs
arc, bci, fus,
mon, rog, shf
Str 14–21 (24) 13–18 (21) 13–18 (21) 13–18 (21) 13–18 (21)
Int 15–20 (23) 16–23 (26) 15–20 (23) 15–20 (23) 15–20 (23)
Wis 15–20 (23) 15–20 (23) 16–23 (26) 15–20 (23) 15–20 (23)
Dex 15–20 (23) 15–20 (23) 16–23 (23) 15–22 (26) 15–20 (23)
Con 12–17 (20) 12–17 (20) 12–17 (20) 12–17 (20) 13–20 (23)
Hero-Tier High Elf Statistics by Class
bzk, bod, pal,
asn, mag, mnd,
psi, sor, wzd
cle, dru, prs
arc, bci, fus,
mon, rog, shf
Str 21–26 (29) 18–20 (23) 18–20 (23) 18–20 (23) 18–20 (23)
Int 20–22 (25) 23–28 (31) 20–22 (25) 20–22 (25) 20–22 (25)
Wis 20–22 (25) 20–22 (25) 23–28 (31) 20–22 (25) 20–22 (25)
Dex 20–22 (25) 20–22 (25) 20–22 (25) 23–28 (31) 20–22 (25)
Con 17–19 (22) 17–19 (22) 17–19 (22) 17–19 (22) 20–25 (28)
NOTES: numbers in each cell above are initial trained value – maximum trainable value (maximum allowable value for non-devotees); class prime requisites are green.

High Elves are those elves who can trace their lineage to a True Fae within 7 generations. They are faster, tougher, wiser and more powerful than their more common cousins. Some lower-class elves and drow have been able to transform into High Elves when they achieve high levels of power. Why the drow who attempt this do not transform into High Drow is something of a mystery. High Elves are only available to Elves and Drow via the remort command.

  • Abbreviation: HiE.

Diplomatic Corps

High Elves may participate in the Diplomatic Corps every 10 levels at lowmort. All High Elves should report to Esseirt'u when they are ready to begin.


High elves, similar to elves and drow, are powerful spellcasters, have fantastic archery modifiers and good stealth.

Unfortunately their racial-tranquility means they cannot be frenzied, and their average physical ability means they are generally wasted in physical classes, but their inherent ability still makes them powerful archers. Tranquility will protect a HiE from scrambles, migraines and all manner of nasty mind-related psionics, which is extremely beneficial as Lord, and also eliminates the need to cast split awen.

Hp-wise, High Elves will gain 105% HP of a human with the same constitution, which is still a rather small benefit.

Overall, the HiE are meant to serve as excellent spellcasters of any type, receiving a 15% spell cost reduction, with an additional 5% reduction on psionic spells. Their high mana, average hp, normal size and tranquility make them a very strong option for bladedancer.