Approval From Your Ambassador
A note of approval about character from representative lies here.
Keyword(s): token, ambassador, approval.
Level(s): 10.
Type: trash.
Quality: 100 hps.
Weight: 5 lbs.
Flag(s): none.
A Tradeable Quest Item
This item is received each time you complete a Diplomatic Corps quest.
After reaching Hero, certain shopkeeper mobs will speak to the player upon entering the room (not all the time, one may have to reenter the room a few times to trigger their speech). They usually ask "Anything to trade?", indicating they will exchange the approval for a quest potion. The potion will be bound, so only the character which did the DC quest can drink it. Also take special care when swapping gear between alts and quitting, as the bound potions cannot be saved by another character and will fall to the floor.
These potions are especially important to those players wishing to defeat the Ultimate Dragon, since these may be the only sources of certain spells, in potion form.
Shopkeepers have one or two potions in stock, and will trade a random one for the approval - receiving the desired potion is a matter of luck.
All potions hold a lvl 60 spell.
Incomplete Trade-in Shopkeepers
Kanih (Sir Michael's Stronghold) - divinity, invincibility
Celestial (Alpha Thule) - divinity, heal ii
Visitor From Solace (Padmasa) - divinity, sanctuary
Bram The Wandering Trader (Gorn's Anchor) - divinity, holy sight
Lars The Supplier (Icewolf) - sanctuary, steel skeleton
Angelika (Graw Akkuurattaan) - bless
Guardian (Borley Manor) - barkskin, steel skeleton
(more probably exist)
Lord Trade-Ins
Rietta - werrebocler, ?