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< User:WinterRose
Revision as of 20:43, 4 March 2013 by WinterRose (talk | contribs) (updated altlist)
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“The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy.”
                                                          ― Oscar Wilde 

           (in vague order of importance)

               ==  Active Alts ==

WinterRose   Drg  Mag   H  Main alt / quest character.

                 = XP Runners =
      (running to 999 or some other goal)

Arena        HiE  Bld   H  Veiler in the making.
Masterer     Dsd  Sor   H  the D3M0n inside.
Shear        Gar  Stm   H  Spring Rain bot.
Maeva        Spr  Mag   L  The long run. Shizaga enchanter.
Thunderstone Dwf  War   L  The long run. Durr sharpener/smith.

                  = Projects =
          (1+ remort still required)
Blackhorn    Liz  BCI   H  Min project.
Canggar      Dwf  Pal  SH  Trl project. So cliche.
BlackScale   Tua  BCI   L  Drg "project". Mday stabber for now.
Collector    Elf  Mag   L  HiD Asn project.
Chronossos   Tua  Mag   L  Drg Bzk project. Mmmm.
Weraxai      Drw  Mag   L  HiD Pal assimilator one day.
Aasterossos  Tua  War   L  Wzd project. No idea why it's a warrior atm.

          == Lets take down Kiah brigade ==
         (inactive alts / menagerie of 999s)

Chaplain     HiD  Arc  SH  Supporting hitter.
Orkenskin    Orc  Arc  SH  Durr fletcher and supporting hitter.
FlutterWing  Spr  Fus  SH  Pesky anti-magic places...
Redbeard     Dwf  Fus  SH  The larger fusilier farmer.
Cobbles      Gol  Bzk  SH  EHA CR service.
Taurus       Min  War  SH  Supporting hitter/tank.
Psistorm     Tua  Psi  SH  Secondary explorer and fetcher.
DarkSong     HiD  Wzd  SH  Rune service.

                == Utility Alts ==
               (no particular goal)
Teacup       Spr  Dru   L  Spellbot / harmonizer.
Saw          Elf  Prs   L  Preachbot / cleanser.
Archon       Liz  Mnd   L  Multiday supporter FP.
Lidda        Hlf  Rog   H  Pick that lockbox! service.
Bleach       Gar  Mag  Lm  Semiretarded (int 10) fader. 

                == Locker Alts ==

Diplotaur    Hum  Mag   H  Quest Pot/Pill storage.
Krey         Orc  War   H  Quest Pot storage.
Schreddinger Ogr  War   H  Healing Pot storage.
Tchack       Trg  War   H  Lowmort gear storage.

Color chart for buddyset classes:
K: N/A BK: Asn, BCI, Shf B: Stm BB: Rog Y: Mon BY: N/A G: Dru, Ran BG: Arc, Fus
W: Bld, War BW: Prs, Wzd R: Sor BR: Bzk P: Bod BP: Pal C: Mnd, Psi BC: Cle, Mag