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“The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy.” ― Oscar Wilde in vague order of importance (# for permutations required) == Hero == The Summoning. WinterRose WhD Mag SH Primary / quest character. - BlackScale Drg BCI H Death field dentistry. - Chronossos Drg Bzk H I lost so much mana... RAGE! - Shardwing Drg Pal H Lawful stupid. - Psistorm Drg Psi H EHA CRs went Fetchy? - Kaladon Drg Sor H Bone Dragon. Unending mana. - Shear Drg Stm H Hydrobot. - Aasterossos Drg Wzd H Acidic fake stormlordliness. - Let's take down Kiah brigade. Orkenskin Orc Arc SH Fashion and munitions dept. - FlutterWing Spr Fus SH Where nothing beats ... - Redbeard Dwf Fus SH ... a proper shotgun. - Cobbles Gol Bzk SH EHA CR service. - Taurus Min War SH [No idea what this alt does.] ? XP Runners (brigade expansion). Grimly Dwf Cle H Durr Artificer. Pgems abound. - == Lord == The Unmaker Squad! Arena HiE Bld L The Loser of Blades. - Collector Elf Sor L -> To HiE Pal. The tank. 2 Weraxai HiE Sor H Black Sheep, the closet lich. - Saw HiE Prs L Preachbot / cleanser. - Chaplain HiE Arc L Arrows go to temples. - DarkSong HiE Wzd L Someone to rune the meteors... - Yeah but they need to GET there. Blackhorn Min BCI L Beef, cloak and dagger. - Archon Tua Mnd L Fracturing the fractals. - Maeva Spr Mag L -> 800. Shizaga enchanter. - Atrocia Liz War L -> 800. Crafter wannabe. - Thunderstone Dwf War L Durr sharpener/smith. - == Utility Alts == (no particular goal) Teacup Spr Dru L Spellbot / harmonizer. Wrex Drc Psi H Kra steelbot service. Lidda Hlf Rog H Pick that lockbox! service. Bleach Gar Mag Lm Level 24 fader. == Locker Alts == Diplotaur Hum Mag H Quest Pot/Pill storage. Krey Orc War H Quest Pot storage. Schreddinger Ogr War H Healing Pot storage. Tchack Trg War H Lowmort hit gearsets storage. Beetle Orc War H Lowmort tank gearsets storage. I suppose it's nice to have goals. I picked two; you can see them above. That said, each alt has its own story, and is unique in some way; they all serve a purpose, be it gear management, recovery, support, etc, and there is very little repetition - I like to experience different aspects and characters. As a sidenote, I will never make a horse or a monk. Those run contrary to my personal beliefs. Color chart for buddyset classes: K: N/A BK: Asn, BCI, Shf B: Stm BB: Rog Y: Mon BY: N/A G: Dru, Ran BG: Arc, Fus W: Bld, War BW: Prs, Wzd R: Sor BR: Bzk P: Bod BP: Pal C: Mnd, Psi BC: Cle, Mag