Map Of The Midgaardian Continent

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Revision as of 19:21, 19 January 2007 by DaveGarber1975 (talk | contribs)
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|  N                                                                   |
|W + E              Map of of the Midgaardian Continent                |
|  S                                                                   |
|          Hills and              _____  Devil's                ..     |
|               Canyons          |     | | Peak   Wasteland  . . : ..: |
|   ^^^          |     __/-----+-|Ofcol|-+---------+:  ||  .. Desert...|
|  ^   Mt.Durr   +----/ ^^ ^     |_____|           ::  ||   : . .:.. . |
|^  ^^   \_______|_______   Woods   |      Farms   ::  //           .. |
|Hills   : Gnimh |       \          |             ::  //               |
|      ::    ____|   ^^   \----+--+-|            ::  || Wildwood   ^^^ |
|     ::Stone|    ^^^ Hills         |   Woods   :::  //  Forest     ^^ |
|     ::hall-|--Meadow     Farms  __|__      Lake:::||       |     ^^^^|
|West-::  ___|__      \      |  /       \      :::: ||    ---+   ^Mtns^|
|Wood :: /    \ |      ++------|Midgaard |-----++---Gate--+   |-  ^ ^^ |
|    :: |Solace||------+    |   \ __ __ /:::::::::://                 _|
|    ::  \____/ |__       Marsh     |     River/  ||                _/ |
|     ::    |     Forest            |            //                |   |
|   :::::   |                 Ruins-|-Igecsoz   //        Cliffs  /    |
| Lake:::   Woods                   |          // Great       ___/     |
|   ::::  _____________ Swamp    ___|____    // <-Wall  _____/         |
|__      /             \________| Mervue |_//__________/               |
|  \____|                                                              |
|                                                                      |
|              Sea of Strayed Hopes (Ocean, Islands and Ships)         |

Keyword(s): map, midgaardian, continent.
Level(s): 0.
Type: scroll.
Slot(s): none.
Quality: 1 hps.
Weight: 2 lbs.
Flag(s): none.



Area: Midgaard (Map).
Mob(s): Chuckie.

Area: Stonehall (Map).
Mob(s): Tilly.

Both Chuckie and Tilly sell these. See their pages for more information.